Risk of Rain Wiki

The Early Access Forecast is a roadmap published by Hopoo Games on April 26, 2019.

ROR2 Roadmap 12-17-2019

The first update, June's Scorched Acres was released on the 25th.

  • 5.3.2019 - On the Steam News for Risk of Rain 2, it was stated that the first update will contain all-new content for the Risk of Rain universe, meaning the update will not contain anything seen in Risk of Rain.
  • 6.12.2019 - The new character was confirmed to be Rex, an all new plant-robot hybrid.
  • 6.25.2019 - The Scorched Acres was released.
  • 9.17.2019 - Skills 2.0 was released.
  • 12.17.2019 - Hidden Realms was released.
  • 3.31.2020 - Artifacts 2.0 was released.

