Risk of Rain Wiki

"Gain a shield. Your shield recharges when out of combat."— Pickup Text
Guardian's Heart Shipping Details

The Guardian's Heart is an uncommon healing item in Risk of Rain.[1]

Note that the shield is "spongy" in the sense that with any amount of one shield, taking more than 60 damage will remove the shield and not damage your health. In other words, you can't take damage to your "normal" health until the shield is completely depleted.

Shipping Details

Estimated Delivery:
Sent to:
1100 Fairview,
Research Center

  Shipping Details:       


:  Guardian's HeartGuardian's Heart Icon
Tracking Number:  238▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪

Order Description

:  Gain a 60 health shield. Recharges in 7 seconds.

Shipping Method

:  Priority/Biological

Order Details

:  Test subject 150053 results. While living, the subject had advanced muscle growth, cell regeneration, higher agility, and increased intelligence, along with a blue hue to his skin.
On 08/23/2056, the subject broke free of his restraints and freed all other test subjects. All test subjects, including 150053, were terminated.

His heart seems to still beat independent of the rest of the body. Perhaps a transplant into another subject can continue research.
For questions and complaints, please contact our customer service.


Item Synergies[]

  • This item seems to synergize well with "out of combat" items such as the Sprouting Egg and the Red Whip since taking damage while the shield is active does not make the player enter combat.


  1. This description is auto-generated by the Item Infobox