Risk of Rain Wiki

The Mercenary is a returning character in Risk of Rain 2. He's a high-skill, high-mobility melee character who can have difficulties dealing with large groups of flying, ranged enemies.


Cybernetic Enhancements
Double Jump
The Mercenary can jump twice.
Laser Sword
Slice in front for 130% damage. Every 3rd hit strikes in a greater area for 300% damage.
Spin to win
Quickly slice horizontally twice, dealing 2x200% damage. If airborne, slice vertically instead.
Blinding Assault
Dash forward, stunning enemies for 200% damage. If you hit an enemy, you can dash again, up to 3 total.
Jugg Ult
Target the nearest enemy, attacking them for 110% damage repeatedly. You cannot be hit for the duration.


  • You should always hold your Primary skill down. Laser Sword combos are not interrupted by your non-Primary skills, sprinting, or jumping, allowing you to slash simultaneously while using WhirlwindBlinding Assault, and Eviscerate. A Laser Sword combo will, however, only start when you are not in the middle of using another skill.
  • Laser Sword is fairly slow without stacking Soldier's Syringe a few times, so don't rely on it too much. Best used to finish off weakened enemies without using other cooldowns, or as a filler between other attacks.
    • The third slash of the combo deals more damage than the other two combined, and will trigger if you use Whirlwind right after the first two.
  • As before, Whirlwind has a short cooldown and can be used as another jump. Great for staying airborne whilst fighting larger bosses.
  • Blinding Assault dashes in the exact direction you're aiming, so you can use it to dash up to attack airborne targets. It's your most reliable way to engage flying opponents without using Eviscerate.
    • You can also use your second jump to cancel fall damage that you might otherwise incur from using Blinding Assault to get too high up.
    • Some flying enemies are large enough to stand on, most notably the Wandering Vagrant. They allow you to regain your jumps mid-air.
  • As in classic Risk of Rain, Eviscerate's invulnerability whilst attacking is one of its greatest strengths. By managing all your abilities carefully, you can be almost untouchable even when surrounded by swarms of enemies.
  • Unlike Blinding Assault, Eviscerate's initial dash moves the Mercenary forward independent of his current aerial state. As such, aiming towards the ground whilst in the air can incur massive amounts of fall damage. Use with caution.