Risk of Rain Wiki

Starport592 Starport592 28 July 2014


So I finally quit my job haha. So now I plenty of time to work on the wiki again! If I talk anymore about my job wikia will flag me as spam so I'll just jump straight to what I've been doing.

I've been crawling around other wikis, and decided that the wiki needed a graphic overhaul. I changed the background to a screenshot of falling chests from the intro of ROR, and turned it into a tile with GIMP. (I

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Starport592 Starport592 11 July 2014


I just recently got a job.

So basically, what this means is that I'll have less time to edit the wiki until my job ends (Or I quit, which is also possible.)

Getting a new laptop soon though, so then again I might still be able to get on and off every now and then. But no major overhauls like I'd been doing. I still want to get the items page layout standardized and the enemy pages standardized and enemy animations uploaded. I also want updated shipping detail images and of course they should follow the pattern of: " Shipping Details.png".

But other than that, happy editing, editors! I'll be around.

Until now, it's editing from my iPhone and doing a whole lot of work for something I'm not 100% sure I want to do.

But enough negativity!


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Starport592 Starport592 16 May 2014

GameMaker Source

I have received a handful (Literally, less than 5) requests for the source, and every time I have to respond I feel a little weird. So here is my final conclusion:

I will not be giving out the source, nor did I have any right to. While I feel that for the purpose of gaining information on Risk of Rain, it is necessary to have the source code, I've come to the conclusion that, in order to prevent the recompilation and potential distribution of illegal versions of Risk of Rain (There are plenty of individuals who dedicate their time to doing this already), the basic mindset here is:

  1. If you have half a brain, you should be able to operate Google.
  2. If you own Risk of Rain, and you have access to Google, you should be able to get the source of th…
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Starport592 Starport592 15 May 2014

Decided to call them maps

Well, originally I was going to call them areas, but since even the devs call them maps, it only makes sense that the wiki do the same. At least that's how I look at it. It's still up for discussion, because renaming it isn't as bad as I thought it'd be, maybe only 5-10 minutes tops to move all the pages into a new category.

Messing with a new template that does formats keyboard keys around letters that you type. It's based off of the Wikipedia template, so if you want a complete list of all the characters you can use either view the source or check Wikipedia's template.

Happy gaming everyone!

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Starport592 Starport592 5 May 2014


Trying to edit the wiki from my iPhone... Grrrrr

Will be adding artifact pages and formatting artifacts table on the Items page.

Other things that still need to get done:

-monster log animations -map name template -map soundtracks -Item Portrait rename (trying to standardize the image names so it is easier to reference the images)

(I don't know whether to use level or map to refer to the stages in Risk of Rain. Will determine when I get off the bus.)

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